How To Buy A Fake College Degree in California? Buy degree, buy certificate, buy diploma, buy a fake degree, fake degree, College degree is now very important in society. The reason why a college degree is more valuable during a financial crisis is the way companies narrow down job applicants, says James Vere, buy degree, buy certificate, buy diploma, buy a fake degree, fake degree, an economist at the University of Hong Kong, who has researched earnings mobility. But statistics are only half the story. How to buy a fake college degree. Vere points out that for anyone considering a new degree, its relevance to career goals is an obvious degree, buy certificate, buy diploma, buy a fake degree, fake degree, While a degree is still a good investment in other countries, nowhere are the benefits quite as good as in the U.S. Higher tax rates lower the returns in some countries, Schleicher says. In Denmark, where tax rates are some of the highest in the world, a college degree will only help a man gain an additional $73,000 over a degree, buy certificate, buy diploma, buy a fake degree, fake degree, How to buy a fake college degree.