Gymnasium Bad Aibling Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife, German Fake Diploma

Gymnasium Bad Aibling Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife, German Fake Diploma
Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife Gymnasium Bad Aibling Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife, German Fake Diploma

Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife


How to order the Gymnasium Bad Aibling Zeugnis in Germany?

There is no unified enrollment examination in higher education institutions in China like in China, and the principle of accreditation of so-called enrollment is implemented in colleges and universities. Buy a fake Allgemeinen Hochschulreife, buy fake Zeugnis. Buy German fake Zeugnis, how to enter the Hochschule in Germany. As long as you get the diploma of Wenli Middle School through the liberal arts high school graduation exam, that is, the graduation certificate of the thirteenth grade or the twelfth grade (in four federal states), you will get the “General College Entrance Certificate”. Secondary school diplomas (including non-student exams) issued by combined general schools, professional liberal arts schools, liberal arts schools, night schools, and church schools also have the same rights.

German universities actually implement the admission system of “wide-in and strict-out”. Only in some popular majors, such as medicine, law, veterinary medicine, biology, and informatics, there are federal and regional admission quotas. It is mainly the total score of the high school graduation examination and the waiting time between the high school graduation examination and the application for university entrance. Therefore, the results of the high school graduation examination are of great significance to the selection of the major. For art, music, or sports, applicants must also provide proof of eligibility. For technical professional applicants, it is often required to provide a professional-oriented internship certificate that has been completed for several months before entering the school. For students who do not have a “General College Entrance Certificate”, how can I get a fake Hochschule diploma in Germany. it hard to graduate from the Hochschule in Deutschland. it does not mean that the university’s door has been closed to them forever. These students have the opportunity to complete the basic stage of higher professional colleges with excellent grades and meet certain special preconditions in certain prescribed professions and have the opportunity to continue their studies in the university.


The advantage of “wide-entry” is that it does not take the life of an exam to life so that more students have the opportunity to enter the university, and also provide more excellent students for the university. However, colleges and universities have increased the pressure to accept a large number of students, resulting in shortages of funds, teachers, teaching, experimentation, and dormitory. As a result, the actual number of students in school is far more than the number of students acceptable to the school, forming a crowded situation.
German universities have also implemented “strictness” while implementing “lens”, so the proportion of German college students in the middle of the road is quite high. In a speech in the Federal Parliament in March 1993, Prime Minister Kohl mentioned that the average dropout rate for German college students is 27%, and in some professions, it is as high as 50%. To some extent, this is also a loss or waste of resources.

After passing the graduation exam, the students of the senior college have obtained the qualifications for admission to a higher professional college. buy German fake diploma, buy German fake degree, purchase fake diploma in Essen, Buy German Bachelorurkunde, Buy Fake Germany masterurkunde. The graduation exam consists of a written test consisting of German, mathematics, foreign languages ​​plus one other subject, and all written examinations. An oral test consisting of the previous subject related to the profession.
2. Academic system
Higher education in Germany only imposes a limit on the number of regular semester fees (usually 8-10 semesters) for students who are required to take the graduation exam. There is generally no clear rule on the maximum number of the semester. In this sense, German universities do not have a clear concept of schooling.
A German university year is divided into two semesters, the winter semester and the summer semester. The time of the class (including the winter semester and the summer semester) is generally 28 weeks, with 2-3 months of suspension time for students to review. Or carry out various types of internships. The curriculum structure and academic structure vary from university to university and are regulated and regulated by study and examination regulations.