The HSK test is designed and developed by Hanban and the Confucius Institute Headquarters. How to Buy HSK Certificate? Buy Fake HSK Certificate online. How to get the HSK score report quickly? Buy Fake Degree, Buy Fake Diploma, Buy Fake Certificate from website, How to Buy HSK Certificate, where to buy HSK Certificate? Obtain Fake HSK Certificate, Purchase Fake HSK Certificate online, Buy a Fake Degree online, Buy a Fake Certificate in China. which is a public institution directly under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Hanban develops and implements Chinese proficiency tests, including Basic Chinese Proficiency Test (abbreviated as HSK (Basic)), Elementary and Intermediate Chinese Proficiency Test (abbreviated as HSK (Elementary and Secondary) and Advanced Chinese Proficiency Test (abbreviated as HSK (Advanced) )]. HSK is held regularly in China and overseas every year. Those who have achieved the required test scores can obtain the “Chinese Proficiency Certificate” of the corresponding level. The Ministry of Education of China has established the National Chinese Proficiency Test Committee, which has the sole authority to lead the Chinese Proficiency Test and issue Chinese Proficiency Certificates.
In March 2021, after the examination and approval of the State Language Commission’s Language Specifications and Standards Examination Committee, the “International Chinese Language Education Chinese Proficiency Standards” was released, which will be officially implemented as the State Language Commission’s language specification from July 1, 2021.
In order to make the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) better meet the new requirements for the Chinese language test by the growing number of overseas Chinese learners, Hanban has organized experts in the fields of Chinese and foreign language teaching, linguistics, psychology and educational measurement. #如何获得汉语水平考试成绩报告单;#在哪里可以买到汉语水平考试证书;#国家汉办成绩单. On the basis of full investigation and understanding of the actual Chinese teaching situation overseas, and drawing on the latest research results of international language testing in recent years, it will be re-developed and will gradually launch a new Chinese proficiency test (HSK) from November 2009.
Exam structure
The old HSK is a standardized test of international Chinese proficiency, focusing on testing the ability of candidates who are not the first language of Chinese to use Chinese to communicate in life, study and work. Old HSK includes HSK (Level 1), HSK (Level 2), HSK (Level 3), HSK (Level 4), HSK (Level 5), HSK (Level 6), HSK (Level 7), HSK (Level 8) , HSK (level 9), HSK (level 10), and HSK (level 11) in total 11 levels.
The new HSK includes HSK (Level 1), HSK (Level 2), HSK (Level 3), HSK (Level 4), HSK (Level 5), and HSK (Level 6). There are six levels in total, with Level 6 being the highest level.
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